
Your commercial roof stands sentinel, protecting your building and the business(es) it houses from the elements. What is protecting that commercial roof? Long-lasting commercial roof coatings is the answer you’ve been looking for!

Understanding Commercial Roof Coatings

Roof coatings are liquid applied to your existing roof. Whether sprayed or rolled on, they cover the entire roofing structure, including flashings, up parapet walls, and over all potential openings. This liquid seeps into any cracks, crevices or other imperfections, sealing them tight.

As the liquid dries, it forms a solid, seamless layer across the entire surface.

The crucial point there is SEAMLESS. Seams are the #1 location for leak development to begin. Without seams, the roof is watertight and impenetrable to moisture.

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Benefits of Roof Coatings

Modern roof coatings are much more than just roof paint. They are specially designed to improve waterproofing, increase longevity, decrease cooling costs and are a renewable resource, enabling you to get the highest possible return on your roofing investment.

  • Waterproofing. Made of waterproof materials like acrylic and silicone, roof coatings are fully waterproof, keeping your roof, and the building it protects, dry and moisture-free.
  • Longevity. Roof coatings are designed to reflect UV radiation and are resistant to chemical degradation. By protecting the roof from these elements, the roof lasts longer and avoids risk of premature roof replacement.
  • Decreased Cooling Costs. The highly reflective nature of most roof coatings has been shown to reflect up to 85% of solar heat away from the rooftop. This results in reduced electric demand and lower cooling costs – up to 30% lower, if not more!
  • Renewable. Assuming the structure remains sound, coatings may be reapplied as necessary, providing the same level of protection and performance repeatedly. Not only are the coatings renewable – so is the warranty!
  • Warranty. Depending on the manufacturer, non-prorated warranties for up to 20 years are available.
  • Convenience. Unlike a tear-off replacement, there is no downtime needed for your business while the coatings are applied. There is little odor, and no significant mess in your parking area.
  • Time. A coating system can be completed in a fraction of the time of a roof replacement.
  • ROI. By eliminating the risk of unnecessary roof replacement and the expense of tear-off (including landfill costs), eliminating the cost of unneeded materials and any downtime to your business, most coating systems cost around 50% less than a replacement, while providing a comparable level of performance.
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Get the GRIT Difference!

GRIT Commercial Roofing doesn’t do “quick fix” services. We believe you and your roof deserve the most financially sound solutions available.

Before recommending any service, including coatings, we assess the condition of your existing roof, discuss your long-term goals, and team with you in identifying the best roofing solution for your specific situation.

If you are looking for a roofing partner, call GRIT Commercial Roofing, 480-466-2799 to schedule a consultation with our experts.